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10685NAT Course in Safe Handling of Sharps and Infectious Waste
Award issued - 10685NAT Course in Safe handling of sharps and infectious waste
It is recommended this unit be renewed every 24 months in line with industry standards. Locate the most current training package at
Our obligation to you
We are required to provide clear evidence to enable you to decide if this course is suitable for you. This course teaches the skills and knowledge required to safely identify and handle sharps and infectious waste. It also requires the ability to implement controls for potential hazards related to sharps and infectious waste.
This unit applies to all workers, volunteers or community members who may be required to manage an area in which sharps or infectious waste are present.
Allens Training Pty Ltd RTO 90909 is responsible for the quality of the training and assessment and will be issuing the statement of attainment for this unit even if the training is provided by an authorised third party.
Choosing a training or education provider
The Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) has developed a fact sheet to allow you to be fully informed about your decision to enroll in a course of study. We recommend reading this information prior to enrolling. It is available by clicking here.
Are there physical requirements for this course?
It is important to note that there are physical standards which relate to the level of performance required when undertaking accredited training. There can be no exceptions to these Australian Government requirements that are clearly written into the Training Package. Therefore, students who are unable to satisfy the physical requirements of the course cannot be deemed competent or issued with a statement of attainment, even if the qualification is a necessary part of their employment conditions.
Resources that will be available for this course
- Workplace documentation
- Personal Protective Equipment
- Retrieval devices
- Approved sharps disposal containers and waste disposable bags
- Safety signs and equipment
- Mock sharps, syringes and waste items
Student cohort (types of students)
Allens Training Pty Ltd is required to determine the amount of training they provide to each student, with regard to the existing skills, knowledge and experience of the student. This is achieved by identifying the cohort category or the student undertaking the proposed training and also the mode/s of delivery being provided. Skill levels will vary in relation to the type of student or ‘cohort’.
Allens Training Pty Ltd have identified 2 different types of cohorts as listed below.
1. Students new to the training
2. Students with previous training and/or experience similar to this course
Initial training and modes of delivery (students new to the training)
Initial training is intended for students who have no prior training or experience. For example job seekers, school leavers, those wanting a change in career etc. Students attending a course for the first time can complete the course in 2 ways. Either by undertaking pre-course study - referred to as unsupervised learning, and then attending a trainer led face to face course (mixed mode) or by attending a longer period of training (face to face).
Where the student cohort consists of new entrants or inexperienced workers, we ensure that we give them the opportunity to fully absorb the required knowledge and to develop skills over time in the different contexts they would experience in the workplace.
This may require a longer time-frame than for those students with significant training/industry experience.
Refresher training and modes of delivery (Students with previous training and/or experience)
The shorter refresher course may be appropriate for workers or students experienced in the industry or with previous training. This might be those who have been in the industry for some time (e.g. well practiced skills), those who have previously completed this course or similar, and those returning for workplace or industry requirements and to refresh their skills etc.
Meaning the student cohort for a refresher course is comprised of students who have previously attained experience in the required skills/knowledge.
It’s important to identify those students who are confident and are returning for recertification. It’s about recognising their pre-existing knowledge and skills. Therefore, upon enrolment, a refresher student can supply evidence of previous certification and therefore will be given the option of completing optional unsupervised pre-course study to refresh their knowledge and the complete a face to face training session with a trainer (mixed mode or express mode).
Recertification/refresher training is a competency confirmation event that includes training, the purpose of which is to compensate for or prevent deterioration in a previously achieved standard of performance.
Course times
Pre-course study
If there is pre-course study for the course, it is found in the student portal. Students must have access to a computer, phone, tablet etc. with access to the internet to complete the pre-course study online.
What does competency-based training actually mean?
A competency-based training environment is centered on demonstrated competence against industry-defined standards of performance. Competency-based training is the concept that individuals learn at different rates as well as through different modes and different environments and that the skills and knowledge that a student has acquired previously are able to be formally recognised.
Amount of training and the AQF volume of learning
The AQF Volume of Learning describes how long a student, who does not hold any competencies identified in the qualification, would normally take to develop all of the required skills and knowledge at that qualification level. The amount of training comprises the formal learning activities that are provided to a student to enable them to meet the requirements of each training product and gain the skills and knowledge specified in the relevant training product.
Exceptions for duration of the course
Course durations are reflective of group sizes of between 4 and 15 students. If there are less students in a group, you may find course duration reduced by a maximum of 10%. If a class size exceeds 15 students, it may therefore also be necessary to increase course duration depending on the number of students.
Recognition or any prior learning or previous courses
Upon enrolment, you are given the opportunity to upload your previous certificate and based on that evidence; the course can be modified based on your previous knowledge. There is a currency requirement to be able to demonstrate skills such as safe handling of sharps and infectious waste.
We need to identify any support you require to complete this course
Upon enrolment, we will give you an opportunity to provide information on your language, literacy and numeracy skills to complete this course. There is also the opportunity to provide details and communicate any special needs or support requirements you may have. Assistance can be sought from our student support officer at Allens Training Pty Ltd by phoning 1300 559 064.
We provide equitable access to all required educational and support services, so that no student is disadvantaged to be able to enroll into this course regardless of their mode of study or location. Students can organise to meet with their trainer on a one-to-one basis for additional support, plus email and phone contact.
Unique Student Identifier (USI)
Completing any vocational education course in Australia, it is a requirement for you to obtain and supply a USI. This is obtainable from if a USI is not supplied and verified with a certificate cannot be issued to you.
If you are under 18 years of age
It is a requirement that parental/guardian consent is obtained for students under the age of 18 to be able to participate in a course. The form for this can be found here.
ASSESSMENT – THEORY - Question paper
How will be assessed: Multiple choice and verbal questions detailing the knowledge from the Training Package.
ASSESSMENT – PRACTICAL - Physical demonstrations (skills)
The simulated assessment environments will reflect the real-life working environment where these skills and knowledge would be performed, with all the relevant equipment and resources of that working environment. Skills must be demonstrated by the student working individually in an environment that provides realistic in-depth, industry-validated scenarios and simulations to assess students’ skills and knowledge. It’s important that students have knowledge of the content of this course. The assessable practical skills are listed below.
You will be assessed on performing safe handling scenario and task demonstrations for:
Accessing and using workplace policies, procedures and documents relating to sharps and infectious waste
Identifying a single exposed sharp, multiple exposed and hidden sharps and infectious waste
Undertaking risk assessment to identify hazards, risks and control measures
Implementing control measures to ensure safety of self and others, such as PPE, barriers, signage, prevention and removal tools and equipment, standard precautions and safe work practices
Communicating hazards to supervisor and provide reports
Using tools and equipment to remove sharps and infectious waste
Safely and correctly dispose of items and clean up
Looking after and store all PPE, tools and equipment
Completing risk assessment documentation
Student written agreement
If you are completing this course, please download the student agreement to ensure that you are aware of your rights and obligations. You can access the student written agreement by clicking here.
Course requirements
There are no prerequisite, entry, work-placement, licensing or certification requirements for this course.
We engage with industry experts
As part of ongoing improvement activities and industry consultations, Allens Training Pty Ltd consult with industry experts to ensure best practice occurs in resources and realistic assessment tools.
Training considerations from the trainer and assessor
The RTO’s training and assessment strategies and practices, including the amount of training they provide, are consistent with the requirements of training packages courses and enable each student to meet the requirements for each unit of competency or module in which they are enrolled.
RTO responsibilities
The RTO is required to:
a) Have qualified trainers and assessors to deliver the training and assessment.
b) Educational and support services to meet the needs of the student cohort/s undertaking the training and assessment.
c) Learning resources to enable students to meet the requirements for each unit of competency.
d) Facilities, whether physical or virtual, and equipment to accommodate and support the number of students undertaking the training and assessment.
Monitoring and improvement
Continuous improvement will occur through ongoing industry consultation, feedback from students, and feedback from clients. Feedback for this training program is collected through:
- Employer questionnaire managed by the Allens Training Pty Ltd head office.
- Every student is given the opportunity for post course survey and these survey results are available for both the trainer and RTO to view.
- Feedback is collected, analysed and actioned. Identified actions are documented.
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